Life Drawing

Life drawing both formal model and candid drawings of people, is key to my practice .Through many years of life drawing model sessions,  I  have developed my own method of quickly capturing gait and stance.Drawing the people in the street , whilst sipping coffee in a street cafe , is one of my favoured methods of recording, gait and stance.

  • Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
    Gestural 1 Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
  • Mixed Media on Paper
    Fluidity 1 Mixed Media on Paper
  • Mixed media on canvas
    Nude in deep shadow Mixed media on canvas
  • Mixed Media On Canvas
    Dandelion Clock Mixed Media On Canvas
  • Mixed Media On Canvas-Sold to private collector
    Lonely Lock Down Mixed Media On Canvas-Sold to private collector
  • Mixed media on canvas
    Doris- Mixed media on canvas
  • Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
    The Girl in The Red Jumper Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
  • Mixed Media on paper
    First Time in The Sea Mixed Media on paper

Figures ,Urban and Crowds

Drawing figures candidly whilst sitting in public spaces, is my way of creating mental maps, individuals turn into crowds, stretching beyond far horizons!

  • Mixed Media On Canvas-Sold to private collector
    Rain Bangor Mixed Media On Canvas-Sold to private collector
  • Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
    People of The Street Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
  • Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
    Fascination Street Mixed Media on Fabriano Paper
  • Mixed Media On Board-Sold to private collector
    Confused Crowd on The Underground Mixed Media On Board-Sold to private collector
  • Oil on Wooden Panel
    Rainy Day Caernarfon Oil on Wooden Panel
  • Mixed Media On Canvas-Sold to private collector w-6ft h-4ft
    We're on the road to Nowhere Mixed Media On Canvas-Sold to private collector w-6ft h-4ft